Reiki is a form of energy healing that involves laying of hands on or above the body. It aims to restore the flow of energy and removes blocks, initiating deep relaxation. It can relieve pain, speed healing and reduce other symptoms of illness.
Reiki is an energy healing system founded in the early 1900’s by a Buddhist scholar named Mikao Usui. It aids in the process of healing and many believe that it leads to a path of self-transformation.
What ‘reiki’ means?
Reiki is a Japanese word in which Rei means Spirit, and Ki means energy, or life force. In essence, Reiki can be interpreted as spiritual or universal life force. Reiki Jin Kei Do is a lineage of Reiki, one that not only teaches how to use this energy for healing but also encourages the students to commit to their own spiritual practice in order to truly expand and understand the energy of healing. Jin Kei Do then can be interpreted as the path of compassion and wisdom.
How does it work?
Reiki functions on the principle that we all have an energy body or auric field in addition to our physical body. Our energy body is formed of higher finer vibrations and co-exists/interacts with our physical body on the level of form. Blockages in our energy body can manifest as physical pain/tension, emotional imbalances and illness, as well as hindering energy circulation within the body.
During a Reiki session the practitioner connects to Reiki (Universal Spiritual Energy), and facilitates an energy transfer to the client. This transfer is actioned by the practitioner placing their hands on or above the client’s main energy points (or chakras). Through the influx of this additional energy, blockages within the client can be loosened and ultimately dissolved. As a result of this the client can feel lighter, more balanced and more energised.
What to expect during a session?
Whilst experiencing Reiki many clients enter a meditative state and connect with themselves on a deep level. This is the state in which we are able to generate self-healing on all levels and access the vast knowledge already within us. Because of this it is not uncommon for a client to gain increased insight and intuition following a session, or to have visions or vivid dreams. Although Reiki is an intensely personal experience, the overwhelming feeling for many clients is a feeling of profound relaxation, warmth and restoration.
Connecting to your inner wisdom
Certified Reiki Jin Kei Do Practitioner
Jitka is trained in Level 1 and Level 2 Reiki Jin Kei Do.