Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Dealing with emotional pain

EFT is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. EFT has a long track record of success dealing with chronic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, depression, fertility issues, confidence and weight loss issues to name a few.

Do you worry so much about tomorrow that you can’t enjoy today? Have you been trying to make a change so you could feel different but you just don’t know how?

I provide a safe and confidential space for us to work together. Whether it’s a triggering trauma, recurring emotion like anger or sadness, anxiety, or questioning your capabilities or worth – EFT can help.

What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and is also known as tapping. It is like emotional acupuncture only instead of stimulating the acupuncture points with needles we tap with fingers.

How does it work?

Tapping in this way affects you on many levels. It stimulates the nervous system and engages specific areas in the brain and it proceeds to affect your brain waves so we can access your subconscious mind where all your memories and experiences are stored.

Essentially tapping works by balancing and/or eliminating the energy disruption in the body’s energy system. These energetic disruptions and blockages are then experienced in the body as negative emotions.

Tapping stimulates the energy flow through the meridians (the pathways through which the vital energy flows in your body) and it releases trapped feelings, emotions or experiences.


Why is it so difficult to change behaviour?

Our behaviour and the way we respond to what is happening to us are determined by our childhood programming. We all learnt what is right and what is wrong, what is safe and what is dangerous, very early on. We learnt about who we are and what is possible for us. We learn about money, about relationships, about races, about health, about men and women etc. Many of these are helpful but many of such beliefs are not and create firm limits that you can’t seem to be able overcome.


How does EFT create the change?

The tapping highlights such beliefs you may have taken on which no longer hold truth for you, yet your brain has programmed itself to believe it as truth (and to behave accordingly).

As you tap and access suppressed feelings and unconscious beliefs, remarkable shifts happen, and you begin to understand a new and more authentic truth about your experience and about yourself.

As you see these unconscious beliefs for what they are, your thoughts transform, and you naturally begin to experience and shape your life in a way that is more enjoyable and has more clarity. You essentially become more comfortable in expressing who you are.

EFT is simple to learn, and yet, it is deeply transformative. It can be used alongside a practitioner or on your own.


But I just can’t (or don’t want to) talk about what happened.

In working with clients, it is not necessary for me to know your story. If there are feelings of shame or embarrassment around a memory, then don’t tell your story. I have facilitated sessions in this ways, and magical shifts have happened.

Tapping on traumatic experiences unlocks a deeper healing with permanence, and will have a beneficial impact. It is astonishing in how rapidly it can clear an emotional charge, as well as, triggers to a traumatic memory.


Dealing with emotional pain


EFT International Qualified Practitioner

Certificates & awards

Jitka is an Accredited Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner (Level 2 in 2022 & Level 3 in 2023) and she has received further training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR). She is also an Advanced Psych-K facilitator which further broadens her expertise on dealing with subconscious programming and behavioural change.

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